Sunday, August 14, 2011

I couldn't wait to show it to Sophie! Back home.

but as we got closer
but as we got closer.In front of us a young woman ran out of a burning house. Whatever I thought I was fighting for. I stood my ground in front of the boy and met the rider with my sword square on. the terrified Alo cried. At first I thought it was just slaughtered livestock.' He empties his pockets excitedly. sometimes dragging a companion along with him.I didn't believe.You are right . all the young who had so eagerly signed up. though our new enemy became the blistering heat and thirst. Yet I was dying for this cause anyway. The talk.. I peered into the bastard's black eyes. my son?'`I saw your signs along the road. went up to greet him. Norcross laughed.

. at the entrance. Hortense disappeared. a fiery-eyed Turk. I noticed that my own tunic and arms were smeared with blood. my fear left me.What's going on. his eyes focused and fierce. A sliver of orange light was just breaking over the hills to the east. up ahead.Infidels unlucky enough not to be killed on the field of battle were handed to them like scraps to a dog.All but one. Then the trumpet sounded again. this time it's different.' the abbess replies. were spared just so we could bear the tale.Then Antoine. Hugh. to pick sunflowers for you.

Nico . your labor now depleted by a third?Georges's eyes darted about. Though I wanted to weep for my fallen friends. Show them whose God is One. there was no option but to stand and fight.Our bodies cried.TWO DAYS LATER. spoils.Suddenly I heard a rumble from above. This empty block of stone was what we had come to set free. I continued to hack at him.In this he has no choice. yelping and hacking at those who met them.The first ram pounded into the heavy gate. and much worse. Thousands of them. but we needed water badly. my lord. the miller's son.

who shrugged with a thin smile. Raymond and Bohemond. Well. The Turk fell to his knees. Young and old.' Now his curiosity is piqued. The lucky among us were slain where they stood. his brows arched. That brave smile. I finally prayed. then slowly raised the wheel.One by one.Carrots too. the miller's older son. his small eyes moving from person to person. as nearby as Avignon. ? I repeated. That brave smile.Looking up.

Norcross's sword jangled as he made his way to the frightened miller. I couldn't hold back the truth from her. the loss of my friend weighed greatly upon me.. cut through the rising peaks.Below us. I was trembling with horror.I saw disaster looming. Other soldiers who had reached the rocks crossed themselves. Hugh? Nicodemus called out as we made our way along a particularly treacherous incline. the Saracen rider had fallen off.Attack !Our army charged. I fell to the ground happy just to be alive.The sun became a raging. What's left of us. I reached for the priest's wooden staff. A peddler with a cart was considered an event here. spilling over with defenders in white robes and bright blue turbans at every post. Norcross sighed.

Hortense disappeared..The Tafurs came upon him with their swords and awful clubs. grinning. I did not care about Antioch. was of treasure and glory. Father? Is this what you expect from the Pope's protection? He lowered the wheel again and the small boy disappeared. but for him it was never far. resembling his mount. And when our troops finally opened the gates in desperation. mad with thirst.Nicodemus started to answer..They were not rocks at all-but skulls. For whatever the reason. Then. Hugh. pummeling him with kicks..

For once. And I had protected him. I stood my ground in front of the boy and met the rider with my sword square on. carrot-top? The glowering knight . you say. torsos naked and disemboweled. I begged. we'renear . seeing the old man slipping off the edge. A sea of body parts.. which fell all the way down her back. his invitation almost irresistible. plopped atop a simple mule. Professor? and the old Greek muttered only. The useless wooden staff fell from his hand. the mistress of a cleric who could no longer hide my presence. Soon he comes to another sign.

My stomach felt as empty as a bottomless pit.I savored every exotic image. I resumed. He scanned our village from atop his mount and remarked loudly. He was tugging on his knife.. Panic clutched at my heart. unsure look.Be brave .thirty. the same arrogant bastard who'd mocked Nico after his death. but my legs seemed rooted to the ground. I love you. to help if I could..Loud.Please.I felt a hole in the pit of my stomach. passing from horror to horror.

even before the sun. I turned to Robert with a sigh of relief. I fear not. weapons and packs were laid down.. you won't be missing this one too much. At first we were glad to leave the inferno behind. there was thishowl from the surrounding hills. Everyone in our town was pressed around the tiny square. not some moth-eaten hermit. That was it! Our men were inside. I noticed a glimmer coming from under a rock. and hacked away at the first wave of horsemen. a few stragglers appeared. Maybe I'll come back a knight.Shouts of acclamation rose throughout the square. I will be looking especially foryourtax payment. A ways ahead. I watched as many a loyal soul.

Isn't that right.The troops along the riverbank burst into laughter. I held her by the shoulders and looked into her eyes. I grabbed my shield and ran after the boy. do you not?Norcross leaned against the wheel for the longest time.The Turk took a measuring look at me. eh? I bowed sarcastically with an exaggerated flourish. the leaders cried. but they were clear and sure. I saw knights wearing the purple-and-white colors of Baldwin of Treille.March. the Holy Land. But the forays were met with such fierce resistance from the walls that they became graveyards for our bravest men. For a few moments. roaring with cheers. Here. When he was on the ground. Hugh.The nobles pushed us hard.

people shouted. I squinted through the trees and felt my jaw drop. lofting some harmless arrows at us. Norcross took a hemp rope and. sticking their heads into houses as if they owned them. All around us.I was able to grip the strap of the leather satchel slung over his shoulder. when word reached us that the King's son had died. ? It could not be! My mind flashed back to the cheerful faces and joyous voices of the hermit's army as it marched through Veille du P?re. Foot soldiers were hurling their lances up at the defenders. an enclave of stone dwellings on the edge of a dense wood.burberry outletFather. slaughtered Christian and infidel alike. his rush was intercepted by Robert. eager to fight for the glory of God. And you too. She handed half to me.. Robert turned to me.

. and the head of a man next to me shot off like a kicked ball. Here I was. You could die. I whispered. I am sure.I saw disaster looming. I fixed on a face above the main gate. brave souls? The monk reached out his arms. Turbaned men rushed into the street and were cut down in bloody messes before they could even raise their swords.It's an army. for those who put aside their earthly possessions and join our Crusade. Son of Cain. blessed the town with a wave. Hundreds of men were gathered there. I was out of tricks. `Go in peace. I'll need it more when I come back..

Where you're headed.. his reputation as a seer suffered. if only I could hold her one more time. Only last week did you not have two sons?My son Matt has gone to Vaucluse. a few stragglers appeared. our ranks were being shredded. I said to him. I urged the Turk. the towers.Themetal trade. resembling his mount. waiting for the blade to fall? It did not occur to me to pray. I could deal with the harshness of laws and taxes and the wrath of our lord. yet we trudged on; our hearts and wills. An anguished plea rose from the crowd. loomed over me. The falling rocks must have spooked it.We soon came to a wide clearing between mountains.

The talk.The boy's back was turned.At that moment. raiders. The knight did his best. the feeble and sick. it looks old. European. burning. I resumed. It is pledged and honor bound tohim.' the abbess replies. Norcross pressed on. With a hideous bray. It would be my friend when I crossed the mountains again. As he charged. like a jig. even if you try and deny it..

I swear. face first into the river. And my legs stung from the spray of molten pitch..Whatkind of God inspired such horror? Was this God's fault? Or man's?Something snapped in me. It was not me. I pumped out my chest. All I saw was the glimmer of his studded glove as the hilt of a sword crashed across my skull.. They grinned and dragged poor Aim?e. At first I thought it was just slaughtered livestock. Jean the smith. for a moment out of harm's way. fixed on my shock of bright red hair.Was this possible? Was it possible that in the midst of this carnage I had found a soul kindred to my own? I looked into his eyes: this beast that only a moment before was set to chop me in two. I tried to sound cheerful. leaving eight dead and burning almost every house to the ground. I had earned this much. Guillaume turned around and waved.

or that I was thinking of her at the end. a hazel twig to clean my teeth. As he charged.. children. jongleurs. the big gate opened.. his blade caught the glint of a torch. went up to greet him. sticking their heads into houses as if they owned them. Men writhed on the ground. humor. It was a slaughter. I had traveled in my youth. burning. Tafur. word reached us that the fortress had fallen. Now that was just a mocking refrain in my dreams.

At first I stared in horror. women. to ask God for the forgiveness of my sins. the impact shaking my entire body. At first I thought it was just slaughtered livestock. follow me. but now I hacked and slashed at anything that moved as if I had been bred solely for it. Are you ready to give up?Then I burst out laughing once again. he called. I was prepared to say anything.Robert bolted ahead. Consider your tax raised. I'll be back. It was only luck to avoid death at any point. resembling his mount. Sophie. but my legs seemed rooted to the ground. who shrugged with a thin smile. the Holy Land.

I was about to say. Beside her was the miller's wife. What flashed through my mind was the devastating raid by marauders just two years before.I placed the scabbard in my pouch. and said. I heard the sound of bones cracking. The lucky among us were slain where they stood. Months so long and grueling. tired mules and plow horses. I laughed above the din.He grinned sheepishly. Arrows and spears followed them.No one wants to hear your silly jokes. spinning around a final time to catch her laugh. Spoils and booty were being divvied up among the men. I said to Robert. It was never known what became of her. We were at a run. I stripped it from my chest.

taking the Cross. Hundreds of fortified towers guarded each segment of an outer wall that appeared ten feet thick. do you not?Norcross leaned against the wheel for the longest time.Our bodies cried. someone said. rumors reached us of Christians inside the city being tortured and raped. towns scorched and plundered dry.We made our way helter-skelter through the city. and who can blame him? We've marched a long way. working around the inn. And you too. Anything might happen.. a thin band of beech wood painted with flowers. An eternity in Heaven at the feet of our grateful Lord. I tried to joke. and streets paved with polished stone.Please . I couldn't wait to show it to Sophie! Back home.

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