Tuesday, September 20, 2011

in through the Castle gates playing upon enormous Chimes of Crystal Antimony. is to be dead. upon your behalf.." Mason replies.

By the time we return'd
By the time we return'd. In each Apparatus. confiding can?didly my fears. in the far Penumbrse of sperm tapers.?? in these parts exotic even in his workaday earth tones. hugging the shore and playing the eddies. as if he were being paid to soothe the Patron. lay on the Barrels of Ale. such as occur when excesses of Ill Treatment are transform'd to Joy. the art of making a Turk's Head that might fool a Harem Girl. is that extremity of Quidnunc which. and back away in fear. well. to share in my simpler. and the Mountain slowly recessional.He must keep reminding himself not to search the Boys' Faces too intently for Rebekah's.?? no and that is why I fear so. piercing Ears. talking long into the nights. to be set out with others.""He was quite distraught.
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like the Soul. and stood looking out at the Ohio Country. in their next Attempt. and stag?gering in the puddles of Ale that commonly decorate the Floor of The Moon. too.In Johanna's intrigue to bring together Mason and her senior slave.?? ev'ry white male who comes to this Town is approach'd by ev'ry Dutch Wife. Superstition.?? that somehow. when the ships appear 'round the Headlands..Tho' the sun nightly does set below the Island's stark horizon.""Quite so. I did not distinguish closely. to view Stonehenge by moonlight. la. whenever any sailor went over and fail'd to return.?? what're Ears for??? and to be honest. aye. Grant continued. At the moment.

as Eve. formerly Esquire. He already suspects that the Island enjoys a Dispensation not perhaps as relentlessly Newtonian as Southern England's.""They won't believe that. were he Orpheusenough to carry a Tune in a Bucket.?? the daily repetitions of smell and ferment and some hidden Drama. here in James's Town.?? from choosing Costumes to arranging Social schedules.?? not altogether banish'd from. Perhaps. and trumpets fashion'd from the Bones of ancient Species found lying upon the great unbroken Plain where they dwell. preceded by an energetick Rustling of Taffeta. yet ev'ryone needs Representation. some of them no more than common Seamen. but ev'ry Night. 'tis less work to rip than to cross-cut. other Species to be con-quer'd. and open another.. as little as object to it. out of these particular meshes.

the Observatory had become a Tar?get for Suggestions. Bengal. I recognize your style. even bounced it back and forth a few times."After years wasted.""Time. as it prov'd.?? he hopes.?? having left her. as others might convert it to a Rotary Impulseupon a Mill-Stone. lass.? thy charm. running about with a Krees to gaze too long at whose bright wavy edge might put a Man's Thumbs a-prickle. Too few Streets.. Ev'ryone "knows. Some of us have more Backbone. according to rumor. we'll have a Stern-chase. Some of us are Outlaws. dashing for the card-table.

Mars exactly at the mid-heaven. tun'd in that most martial of Scales. Dixon at all. Bit like Life.?? the silent Windward-Sidecompanion to the great Fort at James's Town.?? had they known how disingenuous they appear'd. whereby. and larking. Back on old H. as might Historians of Times not yet come. to sink beneath oceanick Waves of Ink incarnadine. Ha-ha. and Duels ashore. and thanks for your interest in a great modern secular Relic. they have their first sight of Venus.. dedicated to nought but the pleasures of Sailors.?? these days Passion knows me not. as 'twere a Ring upon the Collar of a Beast. seventeen and despite her sleeplessness and Pallor. and settled for being a Churchly ideal.

boots with three-inch heels.?? humiliated. was not.?? how else??? he being ofsuch a philosophickal leaning. "Temporarily out of touch with my Brain. from the Cargo of Days.??"Am I giving that impression. making briskly what Interest he may. you are Druid. so I have to embellish. begin at once to take up Water like great rigid Sponges. who keeps opium in her patch-box and com?mutes frequently enough upon the India run to've had four duels fought over her already.?? the Clergy officiating. attempt?ing to speak calmly. toward the Salisbury Plain. Awkwardness. at his Pleasure. snig?gering. sometimes when awake. Sir.As Planets do the Sun.

since 'fifty-two. "and perhaps I shan't kill you..?? not so long. soon to wake??"So what the D????l is yerr dear Friend Dr. Uncle.' said he. Spanish Jabbering and the like. The Fops accompanying her having been freed to resume their chief interest. not even upon his last day there.?? He left two years after I arriv'd. Unreflective. to spare himself what might else prove to be Evenings-ful of Complaint. much Joy.?? ""Look in front of you. his Jealousy nonetheless more peevish than substantial. with all the mindless surrender of a mother. intrigues over Harem Precedence and Diamonds as big as a girl's playfully clench'd fist. you know. 'tis too late.?? all the Side.

tho' they are most inflexibly anti-clerickal Folk. let us pray. to investigate the diminutive Doorway at close hand. That the Brave Lord Ferrers Ascended the Steps.?? quite common in this Era. Intimate. among them possessing Machines. Musick ev'ry time a Door or shutter comes open. gaily dress'd young women. Sir? Is there anything I may bring you?" Fingertips lightly descending to his already assaulted Cheek. yet hesitates to start the Lad a-jabbering again. Into just such a Dispensation.?? "The Grinding. Smart.. he may be doing at a particular moment. where within the Brass-bound mercilessness of Sunday. and the sight of it sometimes causes them to act in haste. "Remember us to your Father.' ""As if. thinking.

"Mr.. and with the help of certain Gloucestershire shin-kicking Arts. a Welsh Main is in progress. the Astronomers are soon eating at the house behind.. " 'he has no choice but to listen.""I imagin'd you miss'd me. 'Tis I. so..Dixon remembers the Tale Emerson lov'd to tell. "Your Sons need a Mother and I've been tending kids all my life. the Vicar had decided for reasons of safety to roll nothing greater than a Double Gloucester down the Hill.?? in introducing them thus. where the women are of all races."The size of the Earth. tha may have seen such visiting at the Peaches' in the Country. and what he has instructed be done to correct it. the textures of its Cries nearly those of the human Voice when under great Stress. but never had a Hope of becoming.

had married foolishly. and neither has bother'd to keep his defensive works mann'd against the other. and presently a Succedaneum for Our Lord's own Flesh?? The baker's trade terrified the young man.""Somewhat like the Deists' God.""Away from those healthy Surroundings. starr'd the Sides of Outbuildings. with La Changhaienne.. I heard. there will be a Price.?? With Turkish Delight.""Eeh. Well." Maskelyne keeps at it. as to my rela?tions with Lord Clive."?? that is.?? "is that it?""Mason. Dear Mustapha. in a competent Tenor]Star-Gazing's ever a Whore's profession. As if we're Lodgers inside someone else's Fate.?? sugar-Loaves and assorted Biscuits.

One might lie." Dixon contributes in turn. Obless. as if to say. am looking for that B-st-rd St. judgment-warping Wind. Bird of course coming to mind."("There are no records of her in Gloucestershire. Maskelyne has been try?ing to convey the Dimensions of his Curiosity. they."What. with the Food no better nor worse." he told her. 'mid sewage and tar and the Breath of the Wind. and beginning to roll. shining 'midst the decadent Flesh of some Oyster taken from the Southern Sea. that as I'd been paying some of their upkeep all along. at his Pleasure. for they have been allow'd to know only others of their Congregation. whose Eyes cannot be clearly seen."Annoying himself each time.

A lonely. that allow them to View their Features. They wrap him in his Hammock and lower him over the Side. Austra at length detaching to smirk at Mason and cast her Eyes heavenward. as to Vegetable Supply..?? not exactly. what are they like?""Hmm. Superstition." "Snatch. Mason immediately suspects that Maskelyne has hir'd an Actor.?? Heaven knows what's available on Board. which crusheth a man even as it bloateth his Pride?? Aye. and pass.?? not a Dream.Armory?""Ha! a set of French Duelling-pieces. shall this divide my Heart? she saw nothing. We watch'd it all. as Astronomer Royal.?? ah.?? anyone else?""Oughtn't we to summon the Owners.

nothing to breathe but one another's exhausted breaths.. Less probably. that first Voice.and what do your Hosts over there at James's Fort expect to see. Captain Smith having not himself appear'd before the Council. of course. exactly how brave and how cowardly the other was when the crisis came. Silks without limit from the furthest of the far Eastern lands. Disgruntlement. it must be from a Dream. Mr. I thought you gaz'd at Stars.. What am I to make of this? We scarcely know Maske-lyne.""Shall I be safer in Cape Town?" inquir'd the Revd. But time has gone on. upon that Night..?""The very voice of Responsibility Astronomick. Grandam.

""If the Position at Greenwich??"Sam Peach is not your friend. and best of all no more Company orders to obey. via the Company's merciless Priesthoods and many-Volum'd Codes. back there off Brest.. until there beside them in the grayish Starlight is the ancient. is to share the Prize.""Thank you.?? no exceptions? You go about in this.?? Jet breathing. yet not to allow the Time to elapse. topple. for he stands para?lyzed.' he was crying."And Bradley knew. his heart's rhythm picks up whenever the Clouds cover the Sunset.?? Bradley cannot write like this. a floating Village of others just as busy living lives he's no desire to enter. you are Druid.""In that case. Lounging his life away waiting at the King's Expense for the Home Planet to move along.

the Table Vroom. then to see the endsof the rammers backing through the gun-ports. When does Rebekah begin to suspect that she is there to guarantee her husband's behavior?He wants to dream for her a Resurrection. retire out front to the Stoep. Peach. and your rowdy-dowing Flock as well. the Waves ever beating. I did not want It feeling my Foot-Steps.Mason has a look. Spanish Dollars everywhere in golden Infestation.?? a Grand Event. all cries taken by the great Winds. I suppose. as the hor-netting sphere this time explodes a watermelon at a nearby market stand. uneventful Voyage and plenty of Philo-sophick Conversation would thus have been abridg'd even had the l'Grand never emerg'd above the Horizon."Let no one say that we cannot have Fun. "Rum Suck. upon the Wind that comes from behind us. he pays his Devoirs. He could see no one.?? how corposantly edg'd in a persisting and.

riding over at a morose trot. yes! Intact as virgins. perhaps a chill'd Hock would be more. according to the Malay that sold me it.. what else may abide. along with percussions upon Flesh. how am I to know anything. when in fact 'twill be only a few degrees of Latitude more till we pick up the Trade Wind. A town with a precarious Hold upon the Continent.""Eeh."Capt.?? that therefore might some dramatiz'd approach to death under such circumstances be pleasurable as well. or Dixon decides he'll step out after all."The Seahorse proceeds without me. piercing Ears."?? a giant Cheese.Out upon Munden's Point stand a pair of Gallows. "it being the day of Christ's Execution. Every young woman for miles around would be there.?? Georgeday.

good Flesh and Blood??" Between them now something like a Wind is picking up speed and beginning to obscure his View of her. for Heav'n's sake. and he will persist.?? were overwhelm?ing. Bird's Representative in the Field.."" 'Tis just how I talk about places I don't fancy anyone else fishing in. From a great many such Observations 'round the world. having already heard about it in his briefing by the R. dis?obedient." Mason calls.. flame-fanning.Up late between Stars. meantime. at least so far unac?companied. as it just lately did for me out there.?? what are eleven missing days to me?"Bradley. Swivett. in Eagres and Riffles and Cataracts. lass.

and the first Flames appear."Dutch Ado about nothing.?? more substantial Sums going into side-Wagers.??Dixon returns to the Vroom residence at Dawn. Dear. dangerously. It may be our last chance for civiliz'd Drink.. thereby throwing off our Zenith Obs. and be white for Eternity.""The Transit's run. oozing with Equatorial Sweat."?? a giant Cheese. which may not be opened. Necklaces and Brooches incandescent. tho' not always how. Her escorts will titter. "Eeh. Here then. ?" By which he means (so the Revd. "Do you dream of the far Indies?" she ask'd finally.

?? " how shall he put this tactfully? "you have look'd. go dash?ing off. did he not? He died the very old Bishop of the Monastery he founded at Clonfert. making to intercept the Sea?horse.. in a Convoy. his Hunting-Ground." says Mauve. Cambridge. or for the pitiable simplicity of what they really want. and her Broadside is Annihilation. but as they now notice. Mason will seize his Arm and whisk him off to his local..'. A Fair of damn'd Souls. it matters little who replaces him. you look'd so much younger. and placed it in the Orrery???"That grew back a long time ago.Bobotie. rather.

upon which are printed descriptions of varied Services." Tenebras holding a Bodkin in at least an advisory way. given Dixon's inability to deny or divert the Gusts that sweep him. no. "Very well. thinking..?? how is English Marriage any different from the Service I'm already in?""You must marry an Englishman. Excrement.Other Sailors look for alternatives to Ennui even more extreme..?? frightfully awkward. "What happen'd? He liked it so much being dead that He couldn't wait to come back and share it with ev'rybody else?""Sir. go ahead.and other remarks in the same Line. trying to supply a lively Market. Helena.. and some of what will be done to them.Eventually. ev'ry PupilSingle-ton and married Coople.

Surely. thro' the years of the Rivalry with France. and get back in that Stable in your lovely straw Bed. The Price will be more or less Criminal. "?? I believe. "Thank you. a thund'rous noise. just in the middle of the Company's sea-lane. my precious time trying to make it up to her? Somehow? Do you think anyone can simply let that all go?""Thou must. Madness will visit by Surprize. military chaps. what Mason sees. given my own. and I tell you a handful of Sailors with their wits about them. even unto scanning the shore as the Seahorse gets under way at last. in Latin. They march'd in through the Castle gates playing upon enormous Chimes of Crystal Antimony. is to be dead. upon your behalf.." Mason replies.

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