Author:佚名 Source:none Hits:46 UpdateTime:2008-10-18 23:50:18
We need to stop home foreclosure! How many times per day does one hear those words? Failure to stop foreclosure is, in reality, a national disaster, not just a disaster for an unfortunate family here and there. With millions faced with the loss of their homes, we are beginning to see the effects of massive dislocation of 10 plus million men, women, and children per year.
In fact, we are beginning to look like a war torn country because people generally seem unable to stop home foreclosure. Consider these points carefully:
1.Tent cities have been springing up here and there for refugees dislocated from this crisis. I believe many are calling them 'Bushville'. Well, I guess the 'buck has to stop somewhere'!
2.Consumer confidence and thus consumer spending has plummeted is that related to the home foreclosure issue? Think about it!.....without your TV on!
3.Even the nation's economy looks like that of a war torn country .... and the almighty dollar acts like it has been nuked!
Yes, I'd say the residential foreclosure issue is a national disaster and one that is frightening a whole lot more common citizens than ever imagined.
"War for 100 years"? "Weapons of mass destruction in Iraq"? "We are not in a recession"? "The economy is fine except for a little slow down"? Stopping home foreclosure is an impossibility for many"? And, "with housing values decreasing, maybe not even worth a try? Those not affected by the foreclosure issue had better take a look at the overall picture before the foreclosure crises knocks on their door next!
And for those who are already dealing with the issues of stopping home foreclosure and wondering whether or not it is worth the effort to try and save the family home, read the following story.
We received a call in our office from a woman who seemed desperate to find information about filing bankruptcy and did not know where to turn. Seeing our stop foreclosure program she decided to call us. She was living in a KOA campground in a tent with her 3 children. Her home had been foreclosed on and she had no where to turn. She did not have a job and when she did get one her creditors garnished her wages so she had little money to live on.
She was in the Pacific Northwest and winter was approaching. She figured her only alternative was to file bankruptcy to get some relief from her creditors so she had some hope of having enough money to rent an apartment before winter really hit.
Just imagine yourself in this situation. It is not too far from reality. Ask the people living in the 'Bushville" tent cities. I'll bet they never imagined themselves there either. So, when the question is asked, "Is it worth trying to stop home foreclosure?" I think you will know the right answer.
Get started now! You CAN save your home, and the alternative is not pretty.
Great info here! Mortgage Modification Program will also help to stop foreclosure.