Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The real meaning of financial freedom in the 21st Century

Discovering and developing your vision of financial freedom in the 21st century is a deeply misunderstood concept. In fact, most people are looking for it in a place it cannot be found, the mind. We are taught (especially

Americans) to follow what will bring us money but not necessarily what brings us joy. Connecting the dots of vision (our dreams) to our heart rather than the mind, is critical to a satisfying and profitable business venture in

today's world.

Let me start connecting the dots by giving some perspective. Most of us are given the impression that being in the Heart is equated with weakness. This ego-based mentality has, in essence, been the dominant stance

throughout the world, especially if we look at the prevalent business model of the 20th Century. The operating business model today is a top-down structure. Decisions are made based on what the company needs rather than

what the people within that company need. In essence, most business today serves to alienate people. The people that make the business work are not part of the equation when it comes to the direction of the company.

The challenges of the 21st century are nudging us to operate differently, as many of our antiquated systems are falling apart. It's becoming obvious that preserving and respecting ourselves and others is essential to living

and thriving on this planet.

I've come to understand through studying, being a student of wise and loving mentors, and by my experience as an entrepreneur, that our deepest desires are secured for us in our most sacred place, our Hearts.

So the first step in our Journey is to give ourselves permission to re-connect with and be in our Heart . or as inspirational speaker Ellie Drake is fond to say our "BraveHeart". Most of us have been conditioned to do what we

think. Going inside our heart is not something you will be forced to do, you can only allow yourself to go there.

So, what does it mean to be in our Heart? Being in our Heart relates to the knowing that we are all connected; that when you "do" to another, you "do" to yourself and vice versa.

Once in our heart, then we can set about on the discovery of our purpose, our "mission". This is a really fun part. Start to "vision" what brings us joy, what our deepest desires are.

Here are three lists of questions that will serve as tools to assist you in the development of your vision. I would encourage you to write each set of questions on a separate piece of paper. Update your answers as you ponder

the questions. Do this for 30 days and you'll begin to feel and see the thread of your path to financial freedom.

List One

What did you dream about when you were young, around five years old?

What did you want to be when you "grew up"?

What things came easy to you as you were growing up?

What did you get acknowledged for (even if it seemed like "no big deal" to you)?

Once you're satisfied that you've answered these questions, here are the next series designed to develop your vision as an entrepreneur. The point being, if you're not following what really makes your heart sing, everything

becomes a "have to" situation and others will pick that up and run away from you! If you're really doing what makes your heart sing and what brings you joy, others will pick up that vibration and be attracted to you.

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